Infographic Category Food

How To Keep Baking But Cut The Calories

By | source:Here Apr 30th, 2024

I’m a keen baker. I have a sweet tooth, as many home bakers do, but I don’t specifically adore baked goods all that much. I’d actually rather have chocolates or ice cream than cake or cookies in most cases.

Yet, the process of baking itself is deeply soothing: mixing ingredients, grating, whisking, lovingly combining, and then watching a loaf of banana bread, say, rise out of its tin; a golden, perfect, shining creation.

The trouble is, when you bake frequently, waistlines can take on a similar journey, rising precipitously out of one’s jeans and spilling gloriously over. To avoid subjecting yourself and your loved ones to constant buttery, sugary temptation, you may want to try some of these healthy baking hacks. This way, you can keep the joyful experience without the unneeded calories.

Of course, bear in mind that some “healthy foods” are a lie and that every baking recipe involves precision–so don’t go blindly swapping! (Also, feel free to ignore the deranged “black beans for white flour” substitution, which is more likely to yield you a delicious black bean soup than a delicate sponge cake.) However, swapping in yogurt for sour cream, for example, or buckwheat flour for white flour, can add a bit of nutritious benefit to your bakes.