Infographic Category Education

A Conversation For Every Age – Parenting Tips

By | source:Here Mar 9th, 2023

I was recently asked to speak to a group of parents who had children ages 0-18. The organizer asked me what my best advice is for raising children, and I said that it’s never too early or too late to start talking about behavior and how to handle things. A parent should always be available to talk with their children about how they feel and how they see the world – whether they’re 6 years old or just starting college! Here are some tips you may find useful as your child grows up:

0-2 years

Talking to your baby is a great way for you to connect with them. You can talk about anything you want, but here are some ideas:

  • Tell them what you’re doing and why. For example: “I’m going to change your diaper now.” Or “I’m going to give you a bath because it’s time for bed.”
  • Let them know what they are doing well or poorly by praising them when they do something right (e.g., sit up on their own), but also making sure not to ignore mistakes (e.g., spilling milk on the floor). This will help them learn more quickly how their actions affect others around them!

3-5 years

As kids learn to understand right and wrong, they also learn how to handle their feelings. Understanding that there are times when you need to share and other times when it’s okay for something to be just yours can help kids deal with peer pressure. A child who knows the difference between bullying and play will be able to tell a parent or teacher if someone is bothering them at school or on the playground. When parents help children understand how their emotions work, it helps them handle disappointment more easily when things don’t go their way–and even if they do! Children who know how their bodies feel in different situations (like being upset because someone took your toy) can use this knowledge later on in life when faced with difficult situations like divorce or death of a loved one.

6-11 years

When you’re a parent, it’s important to be able to talk with your child about their behavior, emotions, education and health. You also have to help them navigate social situations. You can do this by talking with them about these topics and asking questions that encourage conversation. For example: How did you feel when your friend said that? What do you think she was trying to say? Or: What does it mean when someone makes a face at me? Do I look silly in this shirt? You should also listen carefully as they answer these questions–not just because it’s polite but because listening is an important part of communicating well with others!

12-18 Years

Your teen years are a time of transition, growth and change. You’re going to be experiencing all kinds of new things as you grow up and become more independent from your parents. You’ll also probably have some rebellious moments where you don’t agree with them or their rules, but that’s okay! Your parents understand that this is part of growing up too – they went through it too! They may seem like strict people who never let their kids do anything fun (and sometimes they might be), but at the end of the day they want what’s best for you and your family – even if that means not letting them do whatever they want all day every day!


It’s never too early to start talking to your child about behavior and how to handle things.

In order for this communication between parent and child to be constructive, however, it’s important not only that parents talk but also how they do so–and what their expectations are for what will come out of those conversations. Here are some tips:

  • Don’t talk too much or go on at length about a particular topic; make sure that what comes out of your mouth is relevant and useful information (not just filler)
  • Don’t make a big deal out of something small; if there’s no need for serious disciplinary action right now then don’t treat it as such by giving long lectures or punishments

We hope this article has given you some ideas for ways to talk with your kids about their behavior. We know it can be a challenge, but as we said at the beginning of this post–and as every parent knows–it’s worth it!