Pizza Around The World, what does pizza look like around the world? It’s hard to believe that there is even a single person who has not eaten this classic favorite. Featuring recipes from Naples and Rome to Chicago and New York, this book includes more than one hundred international pizzas including traditional toppings plus more contemporary favorites such as barbecue chicken and vegetable tartare. This collection of diverse interpretations of classic Italian cuisine will help readers around the world to understand the true meaning of “pizza“.
Pizza is the most popular food in the United States. It’s also one of the most globalized. The humble pie that first became popular in Naples has found its way into nearly every corner of the world, and it’s not hard to see why: pizza is delicious! But while it may seem like every pizza tastes exactly alike, they actually differ greatly from place to place. That’s what makes them so interesting! With this post, I’m going to show you some of the different types of pies that you can find around the globe (and some aren’t even called “pizza”).
It’s fantastic to see how pizza is made everywhere. The pizza is one of those foods that never goes out of style. The various ways people eat it, however, does seem to be evolving over time. It’s fantastic to see how pizza is made everywhere and has become an international symbol for bringing people together and breaking down barriers between cultures.
What I love most about this compendium is how it shows people from all over the world enjoying a simple pleasure—eating pizza. It’s not just a food you eat when you’re hungry or want something quick and easy; it’s something that brings people together and makes them feel good.