Infographic Category Animals

Annual Cost of Pets

By | source: Feb 12th, 2013

Oh pets. Man’s best friend. Crazy cat lady’s only friend. Whatever you prefer (I’m a cat person, myself), these furry friends can be quite costly. Those little guys have to eat!

Pet costs add up quickly. Aside from the every day costs like food, pet costs sky rocket when your your critter gets sick. Dogs get into bags of M&Ms, cats eat a plant covered in fertilizer and they wind up in the vet clinic. A couple of costly IVs later, and you find yourself with a big ol’ vet bill.

Today’s infographic details the average costs of animals a year. From large dogs at $875 to fish at $35, there are definitely pets for every budget. Go on and get yourself a fish. Or a dog, if you can swing it! [Via]
