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Bottled Water: Mind-Blowing Facts!

By | source:Here Jul 3rd, 2023

Bottled water is a very convenient option for consumers, but it’s not necessarily healthier or safer than tap water. Bottled water has become the second most popular drink in the U.S., after soda pop (which is also very convenient). The convenience factor alone makes bottled water appealing to many people who don’t want to wait in line at the office coffee machine or make their own in the break room kitchenette. Bottled water has become so ubiquitous that it’s hard to imagine life without it—after all, we don’t think twice about picking up a bottle of Dasani when we’re thirsty on our way home from work. But how much do we really know about this seemingly basic beverage? Here are some mind-blowing facts about bottled water:

Bottled Water is the Second Largest Commercially Bottled Beverage in the U.S.

You may be surprised to learn that bottled water is the second largest commercially bottled beverage in the United States. It has been the second largest beverage category since 2002, and it continues to grow faster than any other beverage category. Bottled water sales grew by 9% from 2016-2017, while beer sales increased only 1%. In fact, over half of all Americans drink bottled water on a daily basis!


Not Safer Than Tap Water

The FDA regulates bottled water and the EPA regulates tap water. Both are tested regularly for safety, but it’s worth noting that neither agency has found any significant differences between the two. Bottled water is a billion dollar industry, while getting your own filter can cost less than $100. If you’re concerned about the environment or want to save money on your drinking habits, then consider using a reusable bottle instead of buying more plastic bottles every week!


Highly Convenient For Consumers

Bottled water is a convenient option for consumers. Think about it: you can carry it with you, keep it in your car, and use it for cooking or cleaning. Bottled water doesn’t run out like tap water does–and that’s why many people prefer the bottled variety over tap.


45% Came From Municipal Water Sources

Municipal water is the same as tap water, and it’s regulated by the EPA. Municipal water is tested for contaminants on a regular basis, including bacteria and viruses from sewage; pesticides from agricultural runoff; industrial chemicals like mercury and lead; radioactive elements like radon; or harmful minerals like arsenic or fluoride. The good news? Bottled water doesn’t have any extra benefits over municipal drinking sources that aren’t already covered by your local government!


4,000 times more expensive than tap water

Bottled water is the second largest commercially bottled beverage in the U.S., and its popularity has grown exponentially over the past decade. While it’s said to be healthier than soda, there are some mind-blowing facts about bottled water that might make you reconsider your next purchase:

  • Bottled water can be 4,000 times more expensive than tap water! That’s right–it costs about $2 per gallon compared to about $0.002 per gallon for tap water.
  • The amount of plastic used for one year could circle Earth at least twice! This not only negatively impacts our environment but also contributes significantly toward global warming because of all the energy needed to manufacture all those bottles (not to mention transporting them).


Bottled water is a very convenient option for consumers, but it’s not necessarily healthier or safer than tap water.

Tap water is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which sets standards for drinking water quality that all public water systems must meet. Bottled water, however, is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and must meet standards set by them as well. However these standards are not as strict as those set forth by EPA. Furthermore, tap water can be tested more often than bottled because there are more samples taken from taps than there are bottles produced each year–which means bottled brands have less oversight from regulators than municipalities do with their municipal supplies.




We hope we’ve convinced you that bottled water isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It might be convenient, but it can also cost thousands of times more than tap water and may not even be any safer or healthier. If you want a healthy drink that’s convenient and affordable, then tap water is your best bet!