The cold brought on by winter can be unforgiving. Luckily, we know several ways to prepare ourselves for the frigid cold – we wear bulky coats, hats, gloves and scarves. But what about your pup?
First and foremost, don’t leave your pet outside for too long. You should let them out to do their business, and let them back inside for warmth. If you do see someone neglecting to care for their animal, you can contact local law enforcement or animal control.
Just like humans need gloves and shoes, paws can get a little cold, too. To protect your pup’s paws, you can dab some petroleum jelly onto their paw before going outside, and/or get them special pet “booties” for extra padding and warmth. Additionally, you can help your dog out by limiting their visits to the groomer. Their fur is their easiest defense against cold weather, and just like humans, cold weather and excessive washing can equate to dry, damaged skin . If they are naturally short-haired, though, you can find them a doggie coat or sweater at the pet store.
Finally, check under your car hood before starting it up in the midst of winter, as feral/stray cats might occasionally seek refuge there.
Enjoy the winter months with your pet. Before you know it, warm weather will be here!