Infographic Category Animals

Biggest Animals On The Planet: Modern & Extinct

By | source:Here Nov 14th, 2022

The largest animals in the world are surprisingly hard to find. Many of them are extinct, and others live in remote places that make it difficult to study them. However, there are a few species that can be considered the biggest animals on earth. The blue whale is the largest animal that has ever lived. These gentle giants can reach lengths of 100 feet (30 meters) and weigh up to 200 tons (180 metric tons). They are thought to have evolved from smaller ancestors about 30 million years ago. Today, blue whales can be found throughout all of the world’s oceans except for Antarctica, but they prefer deep waters where there is plenty of food and water temperatures are warm. In fact, most blue whales only come close enough to shore during breeding season—and even then they only swim close enough to mate with other whales before returning back out into deeper waters again! Although they have no natural predators due to their size, they do face threats from humans who hunt them for their oil and meat as well as using their bodies as bait for fishing lines or nets so they don’t get tangled up while swimming around underwater plants like kelp forests!

The world is home to a wide variety of big animals. They come in all shapes and sizes, from the huge elephant to the tiny blue whale. Some of them are extinct, but many still exist today. In this article we’ll go over some of the biggest animals on Earth, both modern and extinct, so you can find out which ones you should be afraid of when hiking through the woods!

There are a lot of big animals in the world and our dinosaur ancestors were even more gigantic. The biggest animals in the world today are generally whales, elephants, and other mammals. The largest living land animal is the African bush elephant. It can be as tall as 6 ft (1.8 m) at the shoulders and weigh up to 12000 lb (5443 kg). The biggest whale is a blue whale which weighs about 20 tons (18 mt).

The largest dinosaur ever found was Argentinosaurus huinculensis from Argentina that weighed 70 tons (64 mt) with a length of about 90 ft (27 m). The second largest dinosaurs were also Giganotosaurus carolinii from Argentina with a length of 52 ft (16 m), but they weighed only 7 tons (6 mt). This makes them smaller than T-Rexes which weighed between 8-12 tons, depending on what species you are talking about

We’ve covered some of the biggest animals of all time. From the giant sloths and mammoths of the past to today’s largest land-based creature – the African bush elephant. And though we haven’t yet discovered an animal bigger than these five contenders, there could still be big surprises just around the corner…