Every business wants to get more customers. Thanks to the Internet, more consumers shop online, leading to an ever-changing retail landscape. Retailers need to understand their customer’s shopping habits, then adapt and evolve solutions to meet their needs. Yet not every retailer has necessarily adapted.
According to Cardconnect, 62% of purchases come from single-channels, with 42% belonging to search and buy online. On the other hand, one of the most notable trends of 2016 was using mobile devices to make an online purchase. In fact, mobile payments are expected to reach $503 billion in 2020 simply because smartphones are more convenient. That’s why the two main types of consumer are described as:
The infographic also points out that apps are a great way for individual retailers to reach their most loyal and frequent shoppers, as 42% of power shoppers say they always/often use their retail app instead of a web browser. The no.1 reason for not using the app is because consumers like to use the website better, according to 53% participants.
How do these ‘tech-savvy’ buyers rate their shopping experiences? The top 3 factors are:
Running a business online is definitely more than just choosing the right E-commerce platform.To evolve, retailers need to remain relevant and provide an omni-channel purchasing solution.