This guide doesn’t include just half-assing all of your cleaning either. Cleaning from top to bottom is the main idea behind the graphic today. Dust particles and other dirt and grime will fall to the floor thanks to the magic of gravity. This leaves you with a less dirty house once you sweep and mop.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the pillowcase/fan blade tip, if not – it actually works wonders. I won’t lie, I’m one of those lazy fools who only cleans my fan blades when dust seems to be falling from it like snow. The pillowcase trick is flawless and keeps the dust from collecting on your bed, desk or whatever you have under the blades.
Air vents are my arch enemy though. They get dustier than an Indian Jones relic and as someone who is violently allergic to dust leaves me with a death-like cough after every air filter change. Using a butter knife wrapped in a wet washcloth is genius.