Let’s look at the biggest retail spending holidays around the world. Every region is a bit different, but there are commonalities across the globe.
In North America and Europe the biggest retail holiday is Christmas by a large margin. It was estimated that over $1 trillion was spent on Christmas in just the United States in 2019. That is truly a staggering figure.
Next on the list are Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which aren’t really holidays. On these days which are known for having the best savings and discounts of the year, close to 10 billion in sales is generated.
Surprisingly, the biggest spending holiday in Latin America is Black Friday. Coming in next is Children’s Day, which is a holiday created to celebrate children.
The Big Billion Day sale hosted by Flipkart is the biggest retail event each calendar year in India. This includes 6 days of sales on electronics like phones, televisions and kitchen appliances.
Around the rest of the world there are some common retail holidays but also some unique ones for each individual region. Black Friday is consistently one of the top retail holidays across the world. It is a day specifically created to offer great deals and foster interest from consumers. White Wednesday is big in the Middle East and falls on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. It is a retail holiday similar to Black Friday.