Infographic Category Education

The Parts That Make Up The Universe

By | source:Here Apr 20th, 2023

We’re living in a universe that is a very specific composition. It’s made up of many different elements and compounds, each of which play an important role in how our universe works. In this post we’ll take a look at the parts that make up the universe and explain how they interact with each other to create our beautiful planet.

Dark Energy

Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that is thought to permeate all of space and cause the expansion of the universe to accelerate. It is also referred to as the cosmological constant. Dark Energy was first introduced in Einstein’s theory of general relativity in order to account for an unexpected outward acceleration observed in spiral galaxies, called Hubble’s law (named after Edwin Hubble). The simplest way to understand this phenomenon is by examining our own solar system: if you were standing on Earth, it would take about 9 minutes for light from the Sun to reach you. If you were standing on Pluto (the farthest planet from us), it would take about 5 hours for sunlight to get there! This means that although both planets orbit around our star at nearly identical speeds (about 30 km/s), they’re separated by millions upon millions of kilometers–and yet still experience exactly the same amount of time passing between each orbit around our sun!

Dark Matter

Dark matter is a type of matter that is invisible to the naked eye. It has mass, but it’s not composed of atoms. We think dark matter makes up 27% of the universe, though we have no idea what it actually is! There are many possible types of dark matter particles that could be out there, and one popular theory says they’re called Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (or WIMPs). These WIMPs would have been created shortly after the Big Bang–somehow becoming trapped in galaxies and clusters throughout our Universe today.

Free H2 and He

The most abundant elements in the Universe are hydrogen and helium. These are free H2 and He, which means they’re not bound up with anything else like oxygen or carbon. It’s a small portion of our Universe–only about 2% of all atoms–but it’s found in star-forming regions like nebulae and dense clouds of gas where stars form from these atoms.


Stars are made up of the same elements as the Earth. They have hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and iron. Stars also contain helium and nickel which are elements that are not found on Earth but they can be found in stars. Stars have different sizes depending on how much mass they have inside them. The bigger a star is, the more fuel it needs to keep burning so it can stay hot enough to make new atoms with its nuclear reactions inside its core where temperatures reach millions of degrees Celsius (Celcius). If you could see into space from your house or school window then all those thousands of stars would look like white dots shining brightly against black velvet night sky backdrop made up mostly by empty space called dark matter which makes up 80% of our universe!


Neutrinos are subatomic particles that rarely interact with other matter. They are produced in the sun, stars and in nuclear reactions. They can also be produced when cosmic rays strike the earth’s atmosphere. The sun produces about 1 billion neutrinos per second.

Heavy Elements

Heavy elements are the building blocks of life. They’re created in stars, and they make up about 0.03% of the universe. Heavy elements are created when lighter elements fuse together under extreme conditions. For example, when hydrogen fuses with helium in massive stars, this creates carbon and oxygen as well as other heavy elements like neon (Ne), magnesium (Mg), silicon (Si) and sulfur (S).

The universe is made up of four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force. The first three were described by Albert Einstein in his theory of general relativity while the last one was discovered by Enrico Fermi in 1934. The composition of the universe includes dark energy (68%), dark matter (27%) and free hydrogen and helium gas (4%). Stars make up only 0.5% while neutrinos account for 0.3% or less than 1%. Heavy elements like carbon or oxygen make up only about 0.03% of all matter in our galaxy The universe is a complex place. We’re still learning about its composition, but it’s clear that there are many things we don’t understand yet. Even so, this information can help us better understand our world and where we fit in it!