Welcome to the world of hats. It is a vast and complex place, but with some help from this guide, you can navigate it with ease.
A type of soft cap with a rounded crown and a stiff peak projecting in front. It is also known as a baseball hat or cap, ball cap, beanie or skimmer, or informally as a trucker cap or cookie.
The bowler is a hard, round, flat cap with a small brim turned up all round. It has origins in the late 17th century and was originally worn by men only. Today it’s available in many materials including felt or straw, leather and wool – but usually with a tie! The name comes from its resemblance to the bowler hats worn by 19th century British policemen who were called “bobbies” after Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), who as Home Secretary introduced police forces across England & Wales at this time.
Fedora is a felt hat with a soft brim that’s typically worn tilted back on the head. It was popularized in the early 20th century by Indiana Jones, but has also been worn by celebrities like Frank Sinatra and John F. Kennedy. Fedoras are usually made from felt, although sometimes they’re made from straw or other materials too. The word “fedora” comes from an Italian word meaning “feather.”
The bucket hat is a wide-brimmed hat with a crease down the middle. It’s named after the type of hat worn by farmers in 19th century America, and most often made from straw. Many people think that you can’t wear bucket hats anymore because they’re so outdated, but that’s not true! If you want to stand out from everyone else at your next music festival or party (and who doesn’t?), try wearing a bucket hat instead of your usual baseball cap or visor–it’ll make sure everyone notices you!
A boater is a flat-brimmed straw hat that is traditionally associated with boating and yachting. It’s worn on holidays, or at the races. The first use of the word “boater” to describe this type of hat dates back to the early 19th century when it was used by sailors as an abbreviation for “boatmen.”
Visor is a brimless cap. It can be worn in any season and it’s usually worn by athletes during sports activities. Visors are baseball caps but with visors instead of brims.
A beret is a soft, round, flat hat with a small stiff brim. It originated in France and can be made from wool or felt. The crown of the beret is typically folded or cocked at an angle to give it some shape, but there are no other decorations on the crown itself (unlike many other types of hats). The bill on this type of hat is short; it doesn’t completely cover your forehead like some other styles do.
A deerstalker is a type of hat with a wide brim and high crown. It is named after the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, who was said to have worn one in Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories. The hat has been called “deerhunter” in some cases because it was often worn by hunters who tracked down deer on foot.
A cloche is a hat with a brim that is turned up all the way around. It was popular in the 1920s, and it’s also called a cloche hat. The word “cloche” comes from the French word for bell, which makes sense because the shape of this type of headwear resembles an upside down bell.
We hope that you’ve enjoyed learning about the different types of hats and their vocabulary. This is a very brief overview, but it should be enough to get you started on your journey into the world of headwear!