Throughout history, the idea of extraterrestrial or otherwise otherworldly life has intrigued humans. This is emphasized by the staggering amount of UFO reports in both the United States and Canada.
Today’s infographic takes a look at UFO reports throughout the United States and Canada. More specifically, this infographic looks at the cities that have the highest frequency of UFO sightings per given number of people. Along with this, this infographic also covers the most commonly sighted UFO shapes. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this info.
The city with the most UFO sightings per 100k people is Gila Bend, Arizona, with a staggering 1,193.89 UFO sightings per 100k people. It seems like Arizona is quite the hotbed for UFO sightings, given that they contain more than five cities within the top 100 cities. Trailing behind are Houston, British Columbia, and Surfside Beach, South Carolina.
When narrowing it to UFO sightings in the 25 most populous North American cities, Seattle takes the cake. It’s interesting by how wide of a margin too, with 83.23 UFO sightings per 100k people. The city in the 25 most populous that comes closest is Phoenix, AZ, at only 29.88 sightings per 100k people.
If this subject interests you, be sure to check out another one of our infographics about UFOs!