Infographic Category Culture

Swimwear Styles Through The Ages

By | source:Here Jun 19th, 2023

If you’ve ever wondered how swimsuits have changed over time, then this is the article for you. We’ll cover it all: from classical antiquity to the 20th century!

Classic Antiquity

You may be surprised to learn that women’s bathing suits in ancient Greece and Rome were much like today’s two-piece swimsuits. They were made of linen and tied at the neck, waist and legs. Men wore loincloths or nothing at all–which means we can thank our lucky stars for the invention of swim trunks!


Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, men wore braies, a type of leggings. Women wore long tunics that covered their chest and legs, but not their arms. The tunic was usually gathered at the waist with a belt or girdle (belt). Women also wore wimples to cover their head; these were made of linen or cotton cloth and could be decorated with gold or silver threading.



The Renaissance was a time when people wore more clothes than they had in previous eras. They were more modest, and covered up more skin with layers of fabric. Women wore stays (a corset) that flattened their chests, while men wore codpieces over their pants to show off their masculinity.


17th Century

The 17th century saw a rise in bathing costumes that were becoming more revealing. Men and women both wore bathing suits made from silk, which were often decorated with lace and ribbons. Bathing costumes were also embroidered with intricate designs, making them more elaborate than those of previous centuries.


18th Century

The 18th century was an era of great change for women’s fashion. If you were a lady, your bathing suit would not have been much different from what you wore on land. The only difference would be that it was made from wool or linen, instead of cotton or polyester! The bathing garment was more like a one-piece swimsuit with long sleeves that went down past the elbow and covered most of your legs. The top part had buttons going down the front so that when you got in the water, it wouldn’t come undone by itself. The bottom part reached just above the ankles and had slits cut out so that when walking around in wet shoes after getting out of the water (and before drying off), they wouldn’t get wetter than necessary.


19th Century

During the Victorian era, there was a shift from corsets towards practical clothing and an appreciation for culture. The world was changing and people were starting to travel more often. As a result, women started wearing bathing suits that were much more revealing than those of previous centuries; they also wore them in public places such as beaches or pools.


20th Century

In the 1920s and 1930s, swimwear was made from silk or rayon (a synthetic material). It was usually strapless with a high waistline and an embroidered floral pattern on the top. Swimsuits in this era were generally considered to be more modest than those worn today. In the 1940s, women continued to wear one-piece suits with high necks but they also began wearing two-piece suits that covered their legs but left their midriffs exposed. These suits were often made out of cotton jersey fabric which allowed them to breathe better than wool did during hot summer days at the beach! During World War II (1939-1945), most countries banned nonessential travel due to war efforts so there wasn’t much time for vacations anyway; however some people still managed small excursions if they could afford it – like going out into boats on lakes near their homes instead of taking trips abroad like they used too before The Great Depression hit everyone hard financially during 1929 – 1933 making things harder for families everywhere around globe because many businesses went bankrupted causing widespread unemployment rates across America.

Swimwear styles have changed over time, and the changes are reflected in what people wear when they go swimming. In ancient times, people wore loose clothing that would allow them to swim more easily. However, as time went on and technology advanced, so did bathing suits: beachwear became tighter and more revealing than ever before! Today’s swimsuits are still evolving–but what will tomorrow bring This is how swimwear styles have changed over time.