Is a cities dog to human ratio a good measure of how happy and friendly a city is? That’s still up for debate, but let’s take a look at the cities with the highest density of dogs in the world!
The best way to answer this question is not by looking for the city with the most dogs on an absolute basis, but by comparing each cities human population to it’s dog population. When you run this calculation Houston Texas stands out with an incredible 52.1 dogs per 100 humans. This ratio sets it head and shoulders above the rest of the contenders.
Top world cities as measured by their dogs to people ration. Dogs per 100 humans:
You’ll notice from the above list that most of the leading dog cities are in America. That is because America is by far the dog capital of the world. America has nearly double the amount of dogs as the 2nd leading country of Brazil. Here are the countries with the most dogs: