Panic attacks are scary, and they can be so overwhelming that you might feel like you’re having a heart attack or going crazy. But you’re not. You’re experiencing a panic attack, and there are some things you can do to stop them. If you’ve been having panic attacks for a while, it’s important to talk to your doctor about them. They can help you figure out what’s causing them and give you recommendations for ways to manage them. Panic attacks are scary, but if you know what’s happening and why it’s happening, you can learn ways to stop panic attacks and feel better. If you’re just starting out with panic attacks or are afraid they’ll come back again, here are some tips for how to stop them:
Panic attacks are a normal, healthy response to stress. When you feel anxious, your brain releases hormones that tell your body to release adrenaline and increase heart rate. This is what causes the shortness of breath, dizziness and rapid heartbeat that people with panic disorder experience. Panic attacks can be scary but they are not dangerous and there are ways to manage them. The first step is learning more about panic attacks so that you know what causes them and how they can be treated or prevented in the future.
You can manage your panic attacks, and you don’t need to feel like you are alone.