I was basically raised by transformers, but Transformers being older than I am proves I wasn’t the first generation brought up by them. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, and talk about our favorite frighting robots.
In 1983, the first generation of Transformers was born (i.e. the Optimus Prime and Megatron). This is when the favorites from the recent movies saw their beginnings, and there was no Shia LaBeouf- which may or may not be a good thing depending on who is reading this. There was no Megan Fox either-just fighting robots.
Fast forward 12 years, and my personal favorite- Tranformers: Beast Wars hit the scene. This took combined fighting robots with animals, to make fighting robot-animals. This may have been the best idea in the history of mankind- especially because of Rattrap, a robot-rat no-nonsense BAMF with a pistol and a shield. You had me at robo-rat.
In 2001, classic Transformers came back in full force with Transformers: Robots in Disguise. Transformers: Armada would follow a year later solidifying the return of the classic lineup.
And then 2007, we finally saw the ultimate showdown between the fighting robots from space on the big screen. Complete with modern cgi and camera equipment. The acting wasâ?¦ not great. But you don’t go see a movie about giant fighting robots that is also a camero for the acting. You go for the giant fighting robots.
Now it’s 2014, and there are already trailers for Tranformers: Age of Extinction. This will be the fourth Transformers movie to date, what will it be about? Maybe the title has some insight to offer.
Tranformers have been around longer than I have, and don’t appear to be going away anytime soon. Check out this infographic, brought to you by TVStoreOnline to see where this fantastic series has been, and perhaps where it is going. [TVStoreOnline]