Anyone who knows me is aware of my partial obsession with fitness and health. I’m always on a new diet, or maybe they’ll catch me heading out early from a social gathering so I can make my morning long run. Yeah trying to stay healthy has made me kind of a party pooper, but it’s got to get done somehow right? If for some reason I become comatose and sleep through a morning workout, I usually try to eat a healthy diet during that day. While noshing on almonds and carrots all day might seem like a solid way to distract my appetite from all of the delicious junk foods in my office’s kitchen, it can get old really fast. Thankfully, I have a stash of cold-pressed juices to keep my mouth distracted, and my tummy full.
According to today’s infographic, the average moderately active adult needs 2 cups of fruit and 2.5-3 cups of vegetables. While that might seem like a tiny amount, its actually a difficult goal for most adults to reach, as only 15% of these adults ingest the minimum recommended amount of fruits and veggies a day. Thankfully, juicing is an easy way to meet your daily fruit and veggie quota during your hectic work schedule. Today’s infographic provides stimulating visuals and some interesting fruit combinations for your next smoothie. Read on and drink up! [via]